Free-flowing Love of God

Join us for in-person service which begins at 10:30am with the livestream beginning approximately 10:45am on our FaceBook page: unityofsheboygan.  All are welcome. Love lives here.

The Free-flowing Love of God
A reading from Daily Word

It’s a shame that Valentine’s Day has been commercialized to the point that folks who are uncoupled feel left out. I’ve got nothing against romantic love, of course. I have even written about the best Valentine’s Day card I ever received. It has a permanent place on my desk so I can see it daily. 

Especially at this time of year, it’s important to remember that loving and feeling loved is for everyone every day of the year. As spiritual beings, divine love is not only within us, it is part of us. And like every other aspect of our spiritual inheritance—peace, wholeness, wisdom—it is inexhaustible. Indeed, the more we share it and the more we welcome it, the more the experience of love will flourish in our hearts, minds, and lives. 

What does that have to do with giving and receiving compliments and other nice sentiments? A couple of things. First, it’s an easy thing to do. It’s a way to condition your thinking to notice the best in people and lift them up by letting them know. Second, and even more important, it’s how you can recognize any resistance on your part to receive the free-flowing love of God. If you find yourself deflecting words of kindness and recognition, pause and gently ask yourself why. You may discover some lingering self-criticism or old beliefs that you are somehow less than what you are—a beloved child of God. Pay attention to the kind words you receive and let yourself take them in with gratitude. After all, others couldn’t see your goodness, your value, and your worth if it weren't there.

Love others generously. Receive the love that comes your way wholeheartedly.

 As more and more of us commit to doing that, the love of God will enlighten every mind and fill every heart to overflowing. 


Happy Valentine’s Day. 

Rev. Teresa Burton
Rev. Teresa Burton
Editor, Daily Word

JOIN us this Sunday as we look at the joys of Love.

Love and Joy

Aubree Lynn